Monday, October 5, 2009


I wrote the Story of the Week in the current issue of Narrative Magazine. Here's the link: Or, click on FICTION under DUFFY LINKS to see it, along with my other Narrative pieces.

The new story is called Compartment Man, and here's the illustration they DIDN'T buy to go with it:


Arctictoc said...

JCD -- I'll try to keep things separate, but you're right... it's difficult. Today was crazy: finally procured the mostly blue Phillies alternate cap that's so hard to come by out west... but baseball & fashion don't mix! A local brewery that serves $2 pints on Mondays just released a weighty Oktoberfest... but ale & thrift should stay apart! Finally, I got a new job; however, WRITING is still my main gig... so how can I [favorably] review your story without thoughts of MY fiction bleeding over?! Only one safe way to go, since I can't even play the triangle: Which type of 'musician' does your bio in Narrative refer to? -- ERD

JCD said...

Coincidentally, I play the triangle!